Monday, June 30, 2008

Online Dating Don't for the Day

Basic editing really matters. There is no excuse for the number of grammar and spelling errors I find on men's profiles. Before you post your profile, send it through a word-processing program's spell- and grammar-check. Then, read it over ten times. Then, have someone else check it for errors, and if that person happens to be a trustworthy woman, have her edit it for content...but that's another conversation. I encounter some really common errors that to a person like me, pretty anal about language, look just terrible. I don't care or expect that every guy I date is the kind of person who never makes a mistake. Still, if you're a guy who can't write well, you ought to know it and it should prompt you to try harder to edit before you post.

The word "someone" is ONE word, not "some one," idiots. Don't be idiots.

Remember the difference between THERE, THEIR and THEY'RE and also remember that a sentence about an individual will include singular pronouns like SHE and HER. Come on, fellas...pretend you remember third grade. "I want a woman who takes care of herself," NOT "I want a woman that takes care of their self" (also, not "themselves," which is at least actually a word, as wrong as it still would be in this context, and definitely not "there self" Duh!). As a side note regarding this sentiment, it's lame and on a future post, I'll address these covert suggestions that a woman must be good-looking.

There is absolutely no call for text-speak on your official online profile. Don't abbreviate things when you have access to an entire keyboard and no penalty for use of space. If your profile has gotten so long that you need to literally shorten words and phrases to fit it all in your allotted space, it's WAY too long. Edit content in that case. If you're attempting to use an abbreviation to be cute or casual, make sure you spell it right. I'm talking to you, Mr. "New2SacNeedsLoven"; it's "LOVIN', " you fool.

Remember or at least look up the difference between TO, TOO and TWO. Jesus, guys...this is so basic.

Remember or at least look up the difference between YOUR and YOU'RE.

Alright. Lesson's over. While your profile may still suck due to all kinds of content issues, at least you won't be turning women off by neglect of p's and q's. Good luck.

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